In January
Welcome back to training after the Christmas break (usually 3 weeks). Otherwise the club is open all year round.
In March
Taekwondo National Sparring and Poomsae competition.
The competition is run over 2 days. Such is the demand for this long standing, popular competition.
In April
Special seminar with World Chungdokwan Grandmasters from South Korea.
In May
Pre-Dan Grading Seminar. Open for Blue belts, Red belts and Black belts. Members are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity and gain experience. Practitioners do not need to grade; promotion tests are optional. enjoy the high level training with senior grades only.
In June
Dan Grading: Black belts.
Training Day: Masters, Instructors, Black belts.
In July
South Korea: Training at the World Taekwondo Headquarters, Kukkiwon and the World Chungdokwan Headquarters. We send a team of Instructors and senior grades to courses with World Taekwondo leaders.
In August
Hungary Fight Camp
Training three times a day. Sparring, poomsae, self-defence techniques.
Running, swimming and gymnasium. Meals included.
In October
All-in-One Seminar
Training for all grades: Meet practitioners from all over the country. Train with Grandmasters; senior Instructors, and VIP guest martial artists. Bring a packed lunch, have fun, enjoy the day. For all grades and ages. Training takes place in 3 Gyms (same venue), so practitioners can choose which activity to partake. The course covers many aspects of training such as, sparring, self-defence, breaking, poomsae, theory and philosophy.
In November
Pre-Dan Grading Seminar. Open for Blue belts, Red belts and Black belts. Members are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity and gain experience. Practitioners do not need to grade; promotion tests are optional. enjoy the high level training with senior grades only.
In December
Dan Grading: Black belts
End of December, Christmas break. Even Instructors need a rest.
2019 (New courses)
Instructors meetings and training.
Special training sessions for Instructors and black belts.
Led by Grandmasters to promote and maintain high standards, build friendships and share knowledge-based systems.
Further Details
Please visit our groups website; and click on events for specific dates, venues, times and additional information. Thank you.
For further details (date/time/venue) please visit:
Written by Grandmaster Biddlecombe Patterns/Power/promotion
Grandmaster Biddlecombe is the President of Chungdokwan GB. He has remained loyal, honest and trusted to the Chungdokwan family.
Written by Grandmaster Biddlecombe Patterns/Power/promotion